Why participation at a scientific conference is essential for building your scientific career!  

Find research meetings to bolster your research 

At a time when research finances are stretched, travel is expensive, and climate considerations are at the forefront of social discussion, it’s easy to dismiss the immense value attending academic conferences in-person can have on developing and expanding your scientific career.

As a leading provider of research conferences, focused on genomics, health and disease, Wellcome Connecting Science understands the impact access to inclusive and supportive learning environments has on building a successful career in science, including providing excellent opportunities to:

  • Share the latest knowledge in a specific research field.
  • Participate in dynamic networking with leaders and global peers.
  • Foster new professional relationships, supporting novel research collaborations and journal publications.
  • Discover new job opportunities, project resources and ideas, and funding streams.
A selection of images showcasing participation at research meetings. Including: Delegates seated in an auditorium; delegates networking during a coffee break, a delegate speaking into a microphone during a conference session; delegates discussing a scientific poster.
Our research meetings offer open and inclusive learning environments for all scientists. Image Credit: Ben McDade Photography for Connecting Science.

Whatever career stage you are at, you will find varied discussion, at all levels, providing ample opportunity for PhD students, post-docs, and PIs to all find what you need to progress both your research projects and your career.


Why in-person scientific conferences? 

But what if financial challenges stand in your way? 

At Connecting Science, we are dedicated to removing barriers to participation in our learning and training spaces, ensuring equitable access to development opportunities, regardless of who you are.

We understand it’s our responsibility to nurture scientific talent, ensuring the science discussed at our meetings is representative of the whole scientific community (no voices left outside of the room); supporting the global implementation of genomics knowledge.

We firmly believe that finances should never prevent you from achieving your full potential.

We offer two specific funding schemes that address financial barriers for all scientists, including those with caring responsibilities at home.

Bursaries: covering up to 50% of the conference registration fee for eligible applicants.

Carers’ Grants: covering the cost of caring duties you would normally provide at home, so you can be a participant at your chosen conference.

Why choose a Connecting Science in-person conference?

Stay ahead – discover the research beyond the papers you have read!

All our conferences provide access to the latest research in your chosen area, as well as:

  • Opportunities to meet the scientists whose papers you have read.
  • Opportunities to delve deeper into trends, emerging insights and unpublished findings.
  • An inclusive environment to exchange knowledge and foster new ideas.
Conference delegates seated in an auditorium. A speaker is on the stage presenting a digital slide.
Discover the latest genomics-led research in your field of interest. Image Credit: Ben McDade Photography for Connecting Science.

Build your own research profile.

Presenting your own research as a short talk or poster presentations enables you to:

  • Strengthen your communication and presentation skills on a global stage.
  • Gain fresh perspectives on your work through peer support.
  • Gain feedback from experienced leaders in the field to expand your thinking.
Present your own research to peers and leaders. Build your professional profile.
Three conference delegates standing in front of a scientific poster board. One delegate is facing the other two, explaining the poster content. Image credit: Ben McDade Photography for Connecting Science.

You will leave a Connecting Science conference enriched with career defining experience and knowledge that cannot be replicated in a laboratory or library environment.

Dynamic networking in an intimate setting:

The small and intimate nature of all our conferences affords everyone the opportunity to network closely with both peers and globally leading scientists in your field of interest. You never know who you might bump into over coffee, or find yourself sitting next to during a session; these casual interactions can lead to interesting and unexpected collaborations. As well as:

  • Opportunities to ask questions of global peers.
  • Spark new thinking for both current and future research projects.
  • Find connections to network with beyond the conference, supporting continued learning and collaboration.
Two conference delegates engaged in conversion during a networking break. They are standing near a series of scientific posters pinned to boards. A digital poster board is also in view. Image credit: Ben McDade Photography for Connecting Science.
Casual interactions can lead to interesting and unexpected collaborations.

Inspired to join us at our state-of-the-art conference facilities?

Our state-of-the-art Hinxton Hall Conference Centre facility, based on the stunning grounds of the Wellcome Genome Campus enables delegates to network and share ideas in a small and intimate setting.

Ariel view of Hinxton Hall Conference Centre, based on the Wellome Genome Campus, UK
Hinxton Hall Conference Centre, based on the Wellome Genome Campus, UK

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