Multi–omics in Metabolic Disease

7–9 June 2023

Wellcome Genome Campus, UK and Virtual

Improving the application of multi-omics techniques for therapeutic benefit in metabolic diseases


(Our next Multiomics of Metabolic Disease conference will run 4 – 6 June 2025)

Most non-communicable disease facing the world today is diet-related. This includes obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and a host of other related metabolic disorders.  Although lifestyle is a factor, it is clear there are powerful genetic and other biological influences informing susceptibility to these conditions. Great strides have been made in illuminating the complex pathophysiology of metabolic diseases, in large part due to the development and application of a whole repertoire of so-called ‘omics’ technologies.

At this new conference, global leaders in the field will provide updates on the use of GWAS and genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics. In addition to outstanding invited talks, stimulating short oral presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts. Posters and poster pitch talk sessions will provide further opportunities to present research findings.

This meeting aims to be highly interactive to improve inter-disciplinary knowledge-dissemination between scientists and clinicians working in basic and therapeutic research.  Face-to-face networking opportunities are facilitated at Hinxton Hall Conference Centre with optional on-site accommodation.

This conference will be a hybrid meeting – with onsite or virtual attendance.

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The conference will start at approximately 12:00 BST on Wednesday 7 June 2023 and close at approximately 14:00 on Friday 9 June 2023.

Discussions will focus on a variety of exciting topics, including:

  • Genomics in metabolic disease
  • Metabolic epigenomics and transcriptomics
  • Metabolomics and lipidomics
  • Proteomics
  • Metabolic disease research in diverse populations and global settings
  • Application of multi-omics to disease

Committee and speakers

Scientific programme committee

Julian Griffin 
University of Aberdeen, UK

Claudia Langenberg
Queen Mary University of London, UK & Berlin Institute of Health at Charité, Germany

Ruth Loos
University of Copehagen, Denmark   

Giles Yeo
University of Cambridge, UK  

Confirmed speakers

Simon Anderson
University of West Indies, Barbados

Melina Claussnitzer
Broad Institute, USA

Karine Clement
Sorbonne University, France

Segun Fatumo 
Medical Research Council/Uganda Virus Research Institute, Uganda

Eric Fauman
Pfizer, USA

Anna Gloyn
Stanford University, USA

Joanna Howson
Novo Nordisk Research Centre Oxford, UK 

Anna Krook
Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Jessica Lasky-Su
Harvard University, USA

Karen Mohlke (Keynote Speaker)
University of North Carolina, USA

Tune Pers
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Markus Ralser
Berlin Institute of Health at Charite, Germany

Maike Sander
Max Delbrück Center, Germany 

Eran Segal  (Keynote Speaker)
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Organisers - Wellcome Connecting Science

Amanda Fletcher – Conference Organiser
Jane Murphy – Scientific Programme Officer

Registration and accommodation

Registration deadline: 9 May 2023 (in person) | 30 May 2023 (virtual)

Deadlines close at 23.59 GMT.

In-person Registration
Student/trainee £360
Academic/non-profit organisation £460
Healthcare professional £460
Commercial/for-profit organisation £560
Onsite accommodation £190

The in-person registration fee includes:

  • Full access to scientific programme: oral and poster presentations, and networking on campus
  • Access to the online conference portal to network with online participants
  • Meals (lunch and dinner) and refreshments during the conference. Breakfast will be provided for delegates who have booked onsite accommodation.
  • Recordings of the live-stream sessions, which will be available ‘on-demand’ for four weeks after the event ends
Virtual Registration Fee
Delegates from LMICs* Free
Student/trainee £55
Academic/non-profit organisation £105
Healthcare professional £105
Commercial/for-profit organisation £165

Virtual registration fee includes:

  • Access to the virtual event portal (Log in details will be emailed a few days before the event starts)
  • Live-stream sessions, including posters and online networking channels
  • Recordings of the live-stream sessions, available ‘on-demand’ for four weeks after the event ends.

* To promote more inclusive scientific discussions with international colleagues at our conferences, delegates based in Lower and Middle-Income Countries can register for free (see list of countries here).

Payments: Please note that payment can only be made with Mastercard or Visa credit cards.

If you are an editor or journalist, please contact the conference organiser for more information about the discounted fee.


Booked accommodation is for the nights of  7 and  8 June 2023.
Please note: there is limited onsite accommodation and this will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis; therefore, early registration is recommended. If you wish to book campus accommodation either side of the conference dates, please contact the Hinxton Hall Conference Centre directly.

Accommodation services phishing scam – please be vigilant. More information.

Travel visas

Citizens of many countries can travel to the UK for a course without needing a visa.
Please check the UK government website for visitor information 

Confirmed attendees requiring a letter to support a visa application should contact the conference organiser.

Financial assistance

Financial assistance/ bursary deadline: 28 March 2023

Registration bursaries are available to attend this conference in person. Journal of Neuroendocrinology / British Society of Neuroendocrinology have provide funds for registration bursaries for a number of delegates from low and middle income countries.  Wellcome Connecting Science is also offering a number of partial registration bursaries to early carer researchers.

To apply, use the dedicated bursary application link on the registration site.
Please be prepared to explain why you are applying for funding and to answer questions about your work. Submit your application before midnight UK time on the bursary deadline to ensure it is considered.

Additional funding opportunities
Visit our support page for information on financial support, including carer grants to help delegates with the costs of caring for children or dependent family members while attending a course or a conference.


Abstract deadline: 28 March 2023

We welcome abstracts from all areas relevant to the main themes of the meeting, for both oral and poster presentations. Several oral presentations will be chosen from the abstracts submitted.

Abstracts will only be considered from registered delegates. Please use our online abstract submission system and follow the instructions given to ensure your abstract is submitted correctly. All abstracts must be submitted by the deadline. If you are intending to submit more than one abstract, please contact the conference organiser prior to registration. You can make changes to your submitted abstract before the deadline by login into your account  and following the instructions.

The scientific programme committee will assess your abstract after the deadline has passed and you will be notified whether you have been selected for an oral or poster presentation.

All those accepted for a poster presentation will be given the opportunity to upload a short video describing their work.

Uploading abstracts after completed registration:

  1. Login to your account via ‘My Account’.
  2. Click on ‘View account history’ to show a table of your event registrations.
  3. Select the appropriate conference
  4. Click on ‘Upload file’ (in right hand column).
  5. Select ‘Abstract’ and upload via the abstract form.
  6. If you wish to upload a second abstract, click on ‘Additional Abstract’ and again upload via the abstract form.

Please note: documents submitted via ‘Supporting Documents’ are for bursary applications only and cannot be seen during the abstract selection process.


With thanks to our sponsors:

Oxford Nanopore logo 2023


LMIC bursaries were generously supported by:

Journal of Neuroendocrinology logo

British Society for Neuroendocrinology logo

Prizes were generously supported by:


If you are interested in supporting this meeting, please contact the sponsorship manager.

See our sponsorship page for information about the benefits.

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