Epigenomics of Common Diseases (Virtual Conference)

18–20 November 2020

Virtual Conference


Owing to the ongoing situation with covid-19, this event will be organised as a virtual conference.

We are pleased to announce the 9th Epigenomics of Common Diseases conference and invite scientists working on experimental and computational epigenomics and epigenetics to showcase the latest developments in the field and discuss epigenomic approaches in common human diseases.

Epigenetic variation plays an important role in disease processes and provides a promising focus for disease prediction, prevention and treatment. Technological advancements in the past few years have fuelled a dramatic increase in the scale, breadth and availability of epigenomic reference maps, including populational and environmental epigenomic datasets.

The conference will cover a broad spectrum of epigenomic discoveries, opportunities and challenges in human normal biology and in disease. This year’s topics include epigenetic classifiers, chromatin regulation in disease, population studies and multi ’omics’ epigenomics. We will highlight methodologies such as single cell sequencing and new bioinformatics approaches  and also discuss reference annotation of epigenomes.


The conference will start at approximately 1 pm (GMT) on Wednesday 18 November and close at approximately 7 pm on Friday 20 November 2020. All times are given in Greenwich Mean Time. See the time where you are here.

Topics will include:

  • Single cell & technology
  • Epigenetic classifiers
  • Chromatin regulation in disease
  • Population studies
  • Multi ‘omics’ and integrative epigenomics
  • Reference annotation

Organisers and speakers

Scientific programme committee

Daniele Fallin
Johns Hopkins University, USA

Bas Heijmans
Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Nada Jabado
Montreal Children’s Hospital, Canada

Jonathan Mill
University of Exeter, UK

Keynote speakers

Peter Laird
Van Andel Institute, USA

Bing Ren
University of California San Diego, USA

Confirmed speakers

Kelly Bakulski – University of Michigan, USA
David Capper – Charité, Germany
Christopher Glass – University of California San Diego, USA
Martin Hirst – University of British Columbia, Canada
Claudia Kleinman – McGill University, Canada
Tuuli Lappalainen – New York Genome Center & Columbia University USA
Riccardo Marioni – University of Edinburgh, UK
Alex Meissner – Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany
Gemma Sharp – University of Bristol, UK
Sarah Teichmann – Wellcome Sanger Institute
Céline Vallot – Institut Curie, France
Naomi Wray – University of Queensland, Australia

Conference organiser

Nicole Schatlowski, Senior Scientific Programme Officer
Laura Wyatt, Conference and Events Manager

How to apply

Virtual conference rate  
Student 50£
Delegates from LMICs* 50£
Academic 100£
Commercial 150£

The virtual registration package includes: Access to all live-streamed sessions (including poster sessions and online networking channels), as well as access to all sessions ‘on-demand’ for four weeks after the event.

* To increase the international diversity of attendees at our meetings, we have reduced fees for delegates from Lower and Middle Income Countries (see list of countries here)

Log in details for the virtual conference portal will be provided on Monday before the event.


We welcome abstracts from all areas relevant to the main themes of the meeting, for both oral and poster presentations. Several oral presentations will be chosen from the abstracts submitted.

Abstracts will only be considered from registered delegates. Please use our online abstract submission system and follow the instructions given to ensure your abstract is submitted correctly. All abstracts must be submitted by the deadline. If you are intending to submit more than one abstract, please contact the conference organiser prior to registration.

The scientific programme committee will assess your abstract after the deadline has passed and you will be notified whether you have been selected for an oral or poster presentation.

All abstract submissions accepted for a poster presentation will be given the opportunity to upload a short video describing their work.

Abstract deadline: 29 September 2020

How to upload an abstract once you have already completed registration:

  1. Log back into your registration account using either Firefox or Internet Explorer as your browser, via link above the ‘Share’ button on the right hand column of this page
  2. Click on ‘Account’ (top right).
  3. Then click on ‘View account history’. This will show a table of your event registrations.
  4. In the right-hand column you will see the option to ‘Upload file’ – click on this and select to upload an abstract.

Keynote lecture videos from 2019 meeting

Epigenomics and Genome Function at Nucleotide Resolution

Keynote lecture by John Stamatoyannopoulos (University of Washington & Altius Institute, USA) at Epigenomics of Common Diseases 2019

Probing the epigenome for therapeutic opportunities

Keynote lecture Cheryl Arrowsmith (University of Toronto, Canada) at Epigenomics of Common Diseases 2019