Your Digital Mentor Podcast Mid-Season Update
Inspiring Mentoring and Research Culture Globally. By Isabela Malta
At the beginning of August, a collaboration between the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences (ACSC) and Social Entrepreneurship to Spur Health (SESH), led to the launch of a global podcast series that aims to kickstart the conversation around mentoring and other aspects of research culture.

Your Digital Mentor Podcast has now had over 800 downloads, across 6 continents, 47 countries. A significant number of downloads in non-English-speaking countries like Brazil, Peru and Mexico, which have 19% of the total downloads. In Africa, the biggest number of downloads are in Kenya, Ethiopia and South Africa, which have combined 14% of the total audience.

There have been 6 episodes released covering a range of topics, from Establishing and Maintaining a Mentor Relationship, to Imposter and Burn-out syndromes, that commonly affect researchers.

The upcoming episodes include Power of Networking, Equality & Diversity in Science, Women Leadership in STEM, Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication, Decolonising Global Health and a bonus COVID-19 episode.
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