
Human Genome Analysis: Genetic Analysis of Multifactorial Diseases

20–26 July 2016

Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK


This intensive, residential, computational course is aimed at scientists
actively involved in genetic analysis of multifactorial traits.

The course provides a comprehensive overview of the statistical methods
currently used to map disease susceptibility genes in human populations.
Discussions of the latest statistical methodology are complemented by
practical hands-on computer exercises using state-of-the-art software.
The statistical basics behind each method will be carefully explained so
that participants with a non-statistical background can understand.
In addition to discussing analysis methods applicable to samples of
unrelated individuals, we also will discuss methods that can analyse
family data or a combination of families and individuals.

This is a small residential course, with a low student:instructor ratio,
personalized attention, and instructors involved and present
throughout.  Each student will receive a certificate of course
completion at the end of the course.
For more information on course content, please
refer to the 2015 timetable

Feedback from the 2015 course:
“I like how we can continue to work on the tutorials through the
virtual box. Overall I found this course extremely useful and applicable
to my project. There were many opportunities to meet intelligent people
and form collaborations.”
“The whole course was of a very high standard. The combination of
lectures and computer exercises complimented each other.”
“I think this was an outstanding course and I feel privileged to have
participated. Thank you again to all the instructors for all the time and
effort that went into preparing the material.”
“Thank you for organising a very useful and informative course. I will
definitely recommend this to my colleagues.”


The programme will discuss fundamental issues needed to increase
in gene mapping studies including:

  • Optimal study design
  • Power
    to detect linkage and association
  • Determining the most appropriate
    statistical methods and software
  • Quality control strategies
  • Interpretation of statistical results and trouble shooting
  • Basic principles of statistical inference
  • Hypothesis
  • Population and quantitative genetics
  • Mendelian inheritance

Our interactive and intensive educational
program will enable
researchers to better carry out sophisticated
statistical analyses of
genetic data, and will also improve their
interpretation and
understanding of the results. The concepts and
methodological approaches
covered are equally applicable to genotype
data generated from
traditional genotyping technologies and to data
generated through next
generation sequencing endeavours. Note, however,
that the bioinformatics
pipelines for calling variants from next
generation sequencing data are
NOT covered; the focus of the course is
on the downstream analysis of
called variants.

the software used is freely available, so that skills learned can be
easily applied after the course.  After the course, participants
will be
provided with a virtual machine copy of the computer used during
course, so they can easily explore the computer exercises and
data sets in greater detail. Teaching will take the form of
by invited expert speakers, informal tutorials, hands-on
sessions, and analysis of example disease data sets. There will
also be
an opportunity for each participant to give a short presentation
his or her own research.

Instructors and speakers

Course organiser
Daniel Weeks University of Pittsburgh, USA

Course instructors
Heather Cordell Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle
University, UK
Janet Sinsheimer University of California, Los Angeles,
Eric Sobel University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Joe Terwilliger Columbia University, New York, USA
Simon Heath Centre Nacional d’Anàlisi Genòmica (CNAG),
Barcelona, Spain

Guest speakers
Richard Duerr University of Pittsburgh, USA
Andrew Morris University of Liverpool, UK
Nicole Soranzo Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK
Timothy Thornton University of Washington, USA
Chris Wallace University of Cambridge, UK

How to apply

The target audience is ideally postdoctoral researchers and advanced
graduate students who have real data to analyse. Applications from senior
established investigators are usually not considered. We aim to accept
the member of a research group who is most likely to actually be
analysing the data and who is most likely to share their training with
other members. This course is aimed at the non-statistically trained
researcher rather than those with advanced training in statistics.

course is subsidised by the Wellcome Genome Campus
Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences Programme. This is a
course and there is a fee of £955 towards board and lodging
for non-commercial applicants. Please contact us for the commercial fee.

Applications for this course can be completed online. If you have any
problems with the online application process, please contact us.

Please note: Applications
must be supported by a
recommendation from a scientific or clinical sponsor (e.g. supervisor or
head of department). A request for a supporting
statement will be sent
to your nominated sponsor automatically during
the application process.
Applicants must ensure that their sponsor
provides this supporting
statement by the application deadline. Applications without a supporting
statement cannot be considered.




Advanced Courses are subsidised for non-commercial applicants from
anywhere in the world. Additional, limited bursaries are
available (up
to 50% of the course fee) and are awarded on merit. If you would like to
apply for a
bursary, please complete the bursary section of the online

Please note that both the applicant
and sponsor are required to provide
a justification for the
bursary as part of the application.

Bursary terms and conditions

UK Courses (held at the Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton,
limited number of bursaries are available for each course. These are
awarded by the selection committee according to merit. The bursary
covers a maximum of 50% of the course fee, though in exceptional
circumstances an application for the total course fee may be considered.
Where there are many bursary applications, the selection committee may
issue smaller amounts. We cannot assist with travel costs to attend UK

Overseas Courses (held outside of the UK)
limited number of bursaries are available for each course. These are
awarded on merit to cover travel, accommodation and sustenance. The
maximum award for travel (economy class) will be £750.

Bursaries can be applied for as part of the course application form.
will be notified of a bursary award along with their place on
course, usually within one month of the application deadline. The
decision of the selection committee is

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