Human and Vertebrate Genomics: Bioinformatics Tools and Resources (Bangkok, Thailand)

7–12 February 2016

Bangkok, Thailand


This 5-day Workshop provides an intensive introduction to bioinformatics tools freely available on the internet, focusing primarily on the Human Genome data. Students will be given hands-on training in the use of public databases and web-based sequence analysis tools. All course materials will be provided and also made available on the Web. The course has a strong emphasis on applied training, and practical exercises along with interaction and discussion between students and instructors are key features of the programme. Each student will have access to a desktop PC for the duration of the course.

This course is limited to 20 participants from Asian and Australasian Institutes.


The programme will include lecture and practical computer-based sessions
covering the following topics:

  • Genome browsing
  • Comparative Sequence Analysis
  • Working with Encode Data
  • Proteins, Complexes and Pathways
  • ncRNA
  • Genomic Variation
  • Variation, Function and Disease

Instructors and speakers

Course instructors
Jane Loveland Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Simon Gregory Duke University
Emily Perry The European Bioinformatics Institute
Rob Finn The European Bioinformatics Institute
Bert Overduin Edinburgh Genomics, The University of Edinburgh

How to apply

The workshop is open to research scientists based in institutes anywhere
in Asia and Australasia (including laboratory and clinical
staff as well as specialists in related fields). Applicants
should have a minimum of a degree in a biological discipline

Overseas courses are free to attend for non-commercial
applicants. Please contact us for the commercial fee.

This workshop is run jointly with the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
For full details and to apply, please visit the workshop
page on the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute website

Please note: Applications
must be supported by a
recommendation from a scientific or clinical sponsor (e.g. supervisor or
head of department). A request for a supporting
statement will be sent
to your nominated sponsor automatically during
the application process.
Applicants must ensure that their sponsor
provides this supporting
statement by the application deadline. Applications without a supporting
statement cannot be considered.




Overseas courses are free to attend for non-commercial applicants.
Limited bursaries to cover travel, accommodation and sustenance costs are
available and are awarded on merit. If you would like to apply for a
bursary, please complete the bursary section of the online application

Please note that both the applicant
and sponsor are required to provide
a justification for the
bursary as part of the application

Bursary terms and conditions

UK Courses (held at the Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton,
limited number of bursaries are available for each course. These are
awarded by the selection committee according to merit. The bursary
covers a maximum of 50% of the course fee, though in exceptional
circumstances an application for the total course fee may be considered.
Where there are many bursary applications, the selection committee may
issue smaller amounts. We cannot assist with travel costs to attend UK

Overseas Courses (held outside of the UK)
limited number of bursaries are available for each course. These are
awarded on merit to cover travel, accommodation and sustenance. The
maximum award for travel (economy class) will be £750.

Bursaries can be applied for as part of the course application form.
will be notified of a bursary award along with their place on
course, usually within one month of the application deadline. The
decision of the selection committee is