A group of conference delegates standing in the Hinxton Hall Conference Centre event space. There is a depiction of a tree on a wall behind the delegates, which represents the Tree of Life.

Career defining learning and training focusing on genomics in research and healthcare

Inspiring science and transforming careers 

The Wellcome Connecting Science learning and training programme provides career-enhancing development opportunities for the global genomics community.

Through a programme of residential and online conferences and courses, our learners can explore the latest genomics research and receive hands-on, application-based training using the newest laboratory and computational approaches and open access software tools.

Signing up for free regular e-updates from the Connecting Science learning and training programme will give you access to free content including:

  • Keynote lectures from our expert conference speakers;
  • Stories from our global learning and training activities;
  • Updates on our annual events schedule;
  • Information on the latest event deadlines;
  • Information on how we can support your career through training and resources;
  • Opportunities to participate and present your own research at our events;
  • Information on how to access financial support.

Our conferences are where biological insight meets technological innovation; we provide a platform for global scientists to come together for dynamic peer-to-peer knowledge exchange; supporting the dialogue between scientists and clinicians, which will shape the future for further ground-breaking research and practice.

We cover the following scientific areas:

  • Microbiology
  • Pathogen surveillance
  • Applied bioinformatics
  • Rare diseases
  • Clinical genetics
  • Synthetic biology
Two CRISPR conference delegates during a poster session, discussing insights
Connecting Science CRISPR conference delegates

Our courses – whether held inside or outside the UK – provide participants with comprehensive learning experiences enabling you to work through scenarios and case studies, teaching you to how apply new approaches to your own real-world datasets and research projects.

We provide training in areas such as:

  • Genomics-based disease surveillance
  • Next generation sequencing
  • Single cell bioinformatics
Colour photo of three scientists working in our first-class laboratory facilities, wearing lab coats and gloves, whilst using pipettes.
Connecting Science Organoid Models training course participants working in our first-class laboratory facilities

Understanding how new techniques can be applied is fundamental to advancing careers and accelerating the translation of research into innovative healthcare outcomes! We foster environments where participants gain confidence with the new technologies and techniques through hands-on application

Michelle Bishop, Associate Director, Connecting Science learning and training programme.

Set in the tranquil grounds of Hinxton Hall Conference Centre, on the world-renowned Wellcome Genome Campus, UK, or held in partner training hubs across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, our events reach beyond the science, fostering networks for global exchange or the development of regional collaborations essential for capacity building.

Colour photo of a group of Connecting Science drug discovery course participants in Uruguay.
Connecting Science Drug Discovery course participants in Uruguay

No matter where in the world events are hosted, you get a truly global network with an incredible turnout of both locals and global scientists. The Connecting Science programme team are highly committed to ensuring diversity exists – whether it’s ensuring that you have speakers representing a range of geographies or providing bursaries to support scientists facing financial barriers.

Jennifer Gardy, deputy director for Surveillance, Data, and Epidemiology, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and part of the Connecting Science Applied Bioinformatics and Public Health Microbiology programme committee. 

Thanks to attending a Connecting Science course, I’m more connected to researchers across the world, who participate in the same science I specialise in; I wouldn’t have so many connections if it wasn’t for the course I attended. Participating in a Connecting Science course has opened up different and unexpected doors, learning me to a new research position.

Dr Simon Castillo, The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR). 

Whilst the science drives our programme, at the heart of all our activities is the commitment to removing barriers to participation for all scientists engaged in our activities. We offer support for those facing financial barriers, we actively increase the visibility of woman in science, and we are also taking steps to dismantle barriers for scientists from minoritised groups. You can find out more about all our policies and actions both on our website and in our regular free e-updates.

Colour photo of a female speaker delivering a talk during a CRISPR conference session. Speaker podium displays the Wellcome Connecting Science logo
We actively support women in science

Discover how we can support your career ambitions and start your learning journey with us today!

Sign up to receive free regular emails to discover your next event for opportunities to present your research, gain new technical skills, or meet connections valuable for future research collaborations.


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