Accommodation Services Phishing Scam

Please be vigilant.

It has come to our attention that organisations claiming to provide accommodation services associated with Wellcome Connecting Science have approached people working on our events (invited speakers and instructors). These organisations usually make contact by telephone and ask for credit card or other personal details in order to book accommodation. This is a scam. Wellcome Connecting Science does not use any such third-party services.

One such organisation calls itself Business Travel Management (BTM), but they may be using other names.

Wellcome Connecting Science staff arrange accommodation directly for all invited speakers and instructors via email and will NEVER ask for your credit card details. Your event organiser will contact you about accommodation and other matters related to your participation on the conference/course.

If you are contacted by a third-party organisation claiming to provide accommodation services on our behalf, please ignore the call and contact your event organiser.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Wellcome Genome Campus.